dh|a origo

User Guide

Table of Contents

1. New User Account

A username (email address) and an initial password will be provided to each new user.

To activate a new user account, an invitation will be sent to your email address with an activation link. Click the link to activate the account.

1.1 Log In

1. Go to https://casemate.io

Log in with your provided username and password.

1.2 How to reset your password

1. Click "Forgot your password?" in the login page.

2. Provide your username/email address.

3. An email will be automatically sent to your email address, where there is a link to reset password.

4. Click the link and follow the steps to reset your password.

2. Create new case

To create a new case, press on the "Add case" button on the right side of the top navigation bar.

3. Fill in necessary case information in the pop up window. Please note that some information is mandatory such as Case origin, Country, Case owner, Initiated date and Branch, these are marked with a red star *.

4. Press “Save”.

5. A new case is created, assigned with a serial no. automatically generated by origo.

Note: after clicking “Cases”, the page always lands on the “In Progress” tab.

2.1 Update General case information

1. Go to Cases.

2. In the case list, click the case you would like to update.

3. To update general information related to the case, click on the pen icon located on the top right corner of the General information card.

4. To add Tags, click on “+ Add” button. A dropdown with a list of the last tags used will be displayed. You can select any of these tags or add new ones by typing on the text field and pressing enter. After pressing enter, the tag will show. Multiple Tags can be added.

Multiple Tags can be added. To remove a Tag, click on the X button.

5. Click on each field that you would like to update. Do not forget to press “Save” when finished editing.

Note 1: Total quantity and Total Value, as shown in General information panel, are total sums calculated by origo, and thus not editable. To update a specific product’s quantity and value, go to Identification & Test purchase (see guide in later paragraphs).

Note 2: you can hide the “General information” panel by clicking on the arrow button. ö

2.2 Navigation within a case

1. To navigate from the “Case info” page press the three (3) dots on your left hand side.

2. This will open up a navigation bar

3. Click on the section you will like to be directed to.

2.3 Add Parties to a case

1. Open a case from the Case list. This will take you to a page called “Case info”.

2. To add a Party to your case press “Add party”.

3. A list with all the parties existing in the library will open up. Always start to search your library for existing parties. Type at least 3 letters in the searchfield to obtain results (most foreign languages are supported).

You can also use filters to shorten the list by clicking on the 3 lines on the right side of the columns.

4. You can add multiple parties. If you wish to remove any of them, use the - button.

5. If you cannot find a Party in the list, press “Add new manually".

2.4 Add a new Party manually

If you can’t find the Party you are looking for, you can always add a new party into the database.

1. Press “Add new manually”.

2. A new page will open up.

3. You can see that you are editing the party in RED “New party”.

5. Move from field to field and fill in as much information as possible.

6. Note that you can add multiple addresses, contacts, URL, phone numbers, emails etc.

7. When done adding the Party, press "Save".

2.5 Add a new Party manually (matching results)

When adding a new party into Origo we do a crosscheck to see if any of these values/data have been entered previously into the database:

1. Start adding information. Mandatory fields are marked with a red star*

2. Information entered in some fields, such as Party name or Street, can bring results if it matches data contained in any existing party in the Library. When finished adding info in these fields, just click outside the text box for system to show results.

If there is a match, this will be visible on the right hand side of the page:

- The matching data will show highlighted.

- If there are multiple matching parties, the ones with most matches will show first.

Note! In order to obtain results, the current rule is 100% match. This means that results will show on the right side only if the data entered on the left side matches 100%.

3. If any of the matching parties happen to be the one you wanted to add, you can press the button "Select and update party library". By doing this, the information on the right side will be copied to the left side.

4. You can still edit this party's information in the case. This additional data will be included in the party library, without affecting the existing information.
5. When done adding the Party press “Save”.

2.4 Remove a Party from a case

1. To remove a Party from a case, click on the three (3) dots in that Party in the “Case info” page.

2. A dropdown menu will show. Select the option “Delete”.

2.5 Update Parties information in a case

1. Open a case.

2. Go to “Case Info”.

3. Go to the Party you would like to update.

4. If clicking on the three (3) dots, you will be able to set/unset the party as primary, or edit the information on the selected Party.

5. Click the icon “eye” to view more information, including the address on a map .

Note: to add Alias, click on “+ Add” button. A text field will show for the user to start typing. Press enter and the Alias will show as a tag. Multiple Aliases can be added. To delete an Alias, click on the X button.

2.6 Add Products to a case

1. Open a case.

2. Go to the “Case Info” page.

3. Click “+ Add product”.

4. A list of Products contained in the Library will open up. Type at least 3 letters in the search box to search for the product. Press “+” to add it to the case.

Note! If a Product doesn’t exist in origo, you won’t be able to find it in the search results or Product library. A new Product cannot be created within a case. Instead, you need to go to the Product library page and add the new product. After that, you will be able to find the product and add it to the case.

5. The added product will show on the left side when you open up a product on the Identification & Test purchase page. Here you can look at pictures of the original product, find price information and the product description.

2.7 Remove a Product from a case

1. Open a case.

2. Go to the Identification & Test purchase via the navigation bar.

3. To delete a product from the Case, use the trash can button.

2.8 Update Product information in a case

1. Open a case.

2. From Case info page, go “Identification & Test purchase" by clicking on the specific product:

Or through the left navigation panel:

3. Choose the product you would like to edit. There are two ways to edit a product.

a. Directly in the grid:

Click on the pen to start editing the product.

If you need to delete a product from the list, use the trash can button.

Press the check mark to save the changes or the "X" to cancel.

b. By clicking on the Product:

If you click on the Product, it will open in a new page. The middle card contains the information related to the suspect product, such as selling price, quantity found, quantity seized, IP rights involved, description and files. These fields can be edited. Click on the pen icon to start editing.

Press “Save” after finishing editing.

Note! Value and Seized value are sums automatically calculated by Origo based on the product's price saved in the Library.

2.9 Create party connections

You can indicate how the parties are connected inside a case. To start creating connections, it is necessary to have two or more Suspect or Neutral parties in the case.

1. Click on the spider button on top of the page. A window with all Suspect/Neutral parties in the case will open.

2. Hover over the party from which you would like to start the connection. A small circle will show on top of the party. Click on this circle and drag it to a different party to establish the connection. The parties will show linked with a line.

3. Choose how the parties are connected, from the options listed in the dropdown.

4. Multiple connections can be created by repeating the same step. If you need to remove a connection, do right click on it and press "Delete connection".

5. Once done, click on Save.

After creating party connections inside a case, the spider button will become red. If clicking on it, you will see how the parties are connected in the case.

You can also check if one specific party has connections in different cases, or in other words, a "global view" of the party connection. To get this information, click on the spider icon by the name of the party that you would like to check.

A window will open, showing all parties connected to the selected party and how. If clicking on the spider icon of any of these parties, it will also show their respectively connections. It is possible to zoom in and out and to arrange the parties inside the window by clicking and dragging them.

2.10 Create case connections

You can also establish connections between cases.

1. Inside a case, click on the connection's button on top of the site.

2. A window will open showing the current case. Select the type of connection from the dropdown and add the case to be connected to in the last field. Click on "Add case connection" button.

3. You can connect the case to multiple cases by repeating the same process. If you need to remove any connection, just do right click on the line to be removed and select "Delete connection". Once finished, press Save.

4. After creating case connections, the button on top of the page will become red. If clicking on it, a window will open showing all the connections between the current case and others. If clicking on any of them, the selected case will open in a new tab.

3. Identification of a product in a Case

1. Open a case that is in “In progress” status. An Identification can be performed when there is at least one Product added to the case.

2. Go to “Identification & Test purchase by using the Navigation bar.

3. Choose a product from the list to perfom an identification.

4. Click on that product.

5. The right card contains the information related to the identification of the product. To edit it, click on the pen icon.

6. Fill in necessary information, such as Inspector, Indicators, Inspection date, Conclusion etc.

7. ID Title is used to group Identifications together. To add a new ID title, enter the name, scroll down and click save.

ID title can be used to filter the Product list and also to choose products that should be included/grouped in an Identification report.

8. Evidence No, is used if you have an inhouse archive where you need to store Evidence products.

9. Click “Save” when done with Identification.

Now a new identification has been added to the case. You can come back any time in future to further edit the identification.

Note: cases without the correct case status or no products will NOT allow users to add any new identifications to the Case.

3.1 Bulk Identification

1. Go to the Identification & Test purchase tab.

2. Select the products that you would like to Bulk identify by marking the checkbox.

3. Go to the top right hand side and click on “Select action”, choose Bulk identification in the dropdown list and press “Apply”.

4. A new pop up will appear, fill in your identification results and mandatory fields before pressing “Save”.

3.2 Create and print Identification Report

1. Go to the “Identification & Test purchase” tab.

2. Select the products for the report by ticking the box.

3. In the top right corner click on the “Get report” button.

Note: when no product in the list is selected, the report will include all products in this case.

4. A report preview will open up.

5. The report can be downloaded as PDF, Excel, Word and Image.

6. If you need to make Personal information such as Reporter of case, Case owner etc to Confidential, please change “Hide Personal Information” from No to YES and press “SUBMIT”.

7. The Identification report comes in English, Chinese and Swedish. Click on drop down and choose language and press Submit.

4. Add a Test purchase to a case

1. Open a Case.

2. Go to the “Case Info” page or to "Identification & Test purchase" via the navigation bar.

3. In “Case info”, click on the product and it will direct you to the Identification & Test purchase page for that specific product. The Test purchase card is located in the middle, under the Case product card. To add information, press the pen icon on the top right corner.

4. Fill in your Test purchase results. After finishing editing, press “Save”.

5. All the attachments added to the Test purchase will show in the preview gallery, under the Case product images. Every file will have a tag to indicate if it is a Case product or a Test purchase file.

If hovering over the file, it will show the file’s name, who uploaded it and when.

6. If you prefer, you can edit the Test purchase information directly on the grid. Press on the pen button to start editing the fields. Once done, click on the check icon.

4.1 Bulk Test purchase

1. Go to the Identification & Test purchase section.

2. Select the products that you would like to Bulk Test purchase by marking the checkbox.

3. On the right hand side click on “Select action”, choose Test purchase from the dropdown list and press “Apply”.

4. A new pop up will appear, fill in your Test purchase results and press “Save”.

5. Add a Quick note to a case

Quick notes can be used to add important information to a case.

1. The Quick note section is located under General information.

2. Press + to open and edit the “Quick note”.

3. Add a title and a free text note and press “SAVE”

4. A user can add several “Quick notes” to a case.

5. To delete a note press the “Delete” button.

6. Add Case Results

Case Results are pre-defined in "Settings". Users are able to select predefined results for a case. More than one result can be added to one case.

1. Open a case.

2. In the General information section, go to Case result.

3. Click “+ ”.

4. Select a result from the dropdown list for the case.

5. Add an effective date to this result.

6. Add comments in the free text field “Result notes”.

7. Press “Save”.

8. Case results added to a case can be further edited in future by clicking in the editing button.

9. A case result can be deleted by clicking on Edit button and then press the “Delete” button .

7. Add Attachments to a Case

Attachments can be added in several locations inside a case.

7.1 Add Attachments to a Case

1. Inside a case, scroll to the bottom of General information card.

2. Click + to browse files from your computer or drag and drop them directly to the grey box. You can select and add multiple files in one go.

7.2 Add Attachments to a Party

1. Inside a case, select a Party and click on
the three (3) dots to start editing.

2. In the bottom of the pop up you can add Attachments. Click + to browse files from your computer or drag and drop them directly to the grey box. You can select and add multiple files in one go. Then press "Save".

7.3 Add Attachments to a Product

1. Inside a case, go to Identification & Test purchase section. Click on one Product and then press on the edit button in the middle card.

2. Click + to browse files from your computer or drag and drop them directly to the grey box. You can select and add multiple files in one go.

3. You can also add Attachments to the product Identification card.

All attachments will be visible under the tab “Files” in your Navigation Bar.

Each file is tagged and shows who uploaded it and when.

8. Add Financials to a Case

To be able to add Financials you need to have at least one Partner or Authority and one Suspect in the case.

8.1 Add a Case budget to a Party

1. Under Financials, click on the arrow and then press "Edit".

2. Select a Party from the dropdown menu.

3. Add the budget assigned for this Party in this specific case. You can choose a different currency (the system will automatically convert it to the primary currency in the Financials overview).

4. The default date is today. You can change the date by pressing the “Calendar”.

5. Press “Save”.

8.2 Add a Spend to a Case

1. Press "EDIT".

2. Enter the amount spent. You can choose a different currency (the system will automatically convert it to the primary currency in the Financials overview).

3. Select Against whom from the dropdown list. The list contains all Suspects that you have added to the case.

4. Keep the default date or change it in the calendar.

5. Add the Action from the dropdown list. This list of Actions were previously predefined in Settings.

6. Press “Save”.

8.3 Add a Receive to a Case

1. Press “EDIT”.

2. Enter the Received amount. You can choose a different currency (the system will automatically convert it to the primary currency in the Financials overview).

3. Select From whom in the dropdown list. The list contains all Suspects that you have added to the case.

4. Keep the default date or change it in the calendar.

5. Press “Save”.

8.4 Financials overview

The module shows the total budget for this case and the amount spent and received so far on the top. These values are automatically converted to the system's chosen primary currency.

Below, a breakdown with each action is displayed, showing the currency selected for that specific record.

If you wish to delete an entry, press the “Delete” icon.

8.5 Assing a Budget to a Party

It is also possible to assign a budget to a Partner or Authority party. This budget will automatically show when adding this Party to a case.

1. Go to Party library and select the party you wish to assign a budget to.

2. Scroll down to Financials and press "+ add new budget" button.

3. Fill in the mandatory fields marked with a red star *

4. Don't forget to mark the checkbox "Active budget" so that this budget will start applying for this party.

Note that it is not possible to have more than one active budget for a party. Also, if dates overlap with an existing budget, you won't be able to save the new budget.

5. Once you finished editing, press "Done" and then "Save"

5. This is how the Party and its assinged Budget will look like inside a case, in Financials overview:

On top, the user can have a general view of the budget assigned to this specific case and the amounts spend and received.

Below, under Financial status, there is a breakdown containing every financial data saved for each Partner/Authority parties in this case.

If a Party had a budget assigned, this will show on the right side of the Party's name, as "Total budget". If there was any expenditure made in this case involving this party, this will be deducted from the Party's budget (see in this example 5.0% used, since there was an expenditure of 500 EUR).

Note that expenditures made outside the Active budget period will not be deducted from the Party's budget but only from the Case budget instead.

9. Create and print a case report

Case Report contains General information on the case, products and parties.

To get a case report go to the tab “Case info”. The get report button is located on the top right over Party information.

1. Press the button and a pop-up will appear with the Case report preview.

2. The report can be downloaded as PDF, Excel, Word and Image.

4. If you need to make Personal information such as Reporter of case, Case owner etc to Confidential please change “Hide Personal Information” from No to YES and press “Submit”.
5. The Case report can be downloaded in English, Chinese and Swedish. Click on the dropdown to choose your preferred language and press “Submit”.

10. Add a Task to a Case

You can assign “Tasks” to yourself, or any internal or external system users.

1. Use the navigation bar to the left and press “Task & Milestone”.

2. Use the “Add task” button.

3. A new window will appear.

4. Fill all mandatory fields marked with a red star *

5. When done adding information, press “Save”.

If you assign the task to someone else, this user will receive an email:

  • The email contains a link directly to the task in that specific case.

  • The assignee will also see this task in the Dashboard, red card.

  • When “Remind date” is set, an additional email will be sent out to the assignee.

10.1 Complete a Task from Dashboard

In your Dashboard, you will find the tasks assigned to you in the first card.

1. Click on a task. This will take you to the task in the specific case.

2. If you want to add more information or attachments to the Tasks, click on the 3 dots on the right and then "Edit". When done, press "Save".

3. If you want to set the Task directly to "Done", press the check icon on the left. The Tasks will then be striked through.

4. If assigner and assignee are different users, the assigner will receive an email to inform that the assignee completed the task.

You can also set the Task to done directly from the Dashboard. This Task will be striked through and disappear from the Dashboard after a few minutes. Clicking "Hide" instead, will make the task disappear from your Dashboard but it will not be marked as "Done".

10.2 Complete a Task in a Case.

1. Open the case.

2. If you have a Task assigned to you there will be a Red notification on the top in Case info called “My tasks showing you the amount of tasks.

3. Either press directly on the button OR use the left navigation bar to go to the Task & Milestone page.

4. Open the task and complete with filling in information.

5. Press “Save” when done.

6. The task is now completed and an email will be sent to the user that added the Task.

10.3 Edit/Delete a Task

You can edit or delete a task at any time by using the tree (3) dots in the Task.

11. Add a Milestone to a Case

“Milestones” can be used to keep track of events/actions in a case on a high level with one or several results.

1. Open the case.

2. Use the Navigation bar to the left.

3. Choose the "Task & milestone" page.

4. Press the “Add Milestone” button.

5. Fill in the mandatory fields and press “Save” .

11.1 Add a Result to a Milestone

Once you have completed or got an outcome of a Milestone you can add this to the Milestone.

1. Open the case.

2. Use the Navigation bar to the left.

3. Choose the “Task & Milestone” page.

4. Click on edit.

5. Use the dropdown menu to add the milestone Results and press “Save”.

6. To delete a Milestone press “Delete”. A pop-up will ask you to confirm deletion.

12. Communication within a Case

There are 3 ways to communicate with colleagues and partners via the system: through the chat, by @ mentioning someone or by sending an email:

  • The chat function:

The Chat function can be used to update other users about important information in regards to a Case.

You can add internal system users to the Chat group by clicking on the add icon in the top right corner. The full list of internal users will show in a dropdown. Add users or remove them from the Chat group by marking their respective chechbox.

There is no limit on how many users you can add to a Chat group.

The messages are saved in the Communication page of the Case.

All messages can be filtered by Sender and by Type of message.

The users added to a Chat group will be also notified about updates in a case in the Communication card on Dashboard.

  • @ mention someone:

To send an email to another internal system user you can use the @ sign in the message field. A list with all internal users will show.

The message is saved in the Communication page of the Case and the mentioned user will also receive an email.

  • Send an email:

To send an email to either a system user or a non system user, press “Want to send an email?” button.

This will open up the user's email client, being possible to add recipients from the address book. The system adds the email address in CC and the Case number automatically to the email. The email is store in Communication in that Case.

13. Dashboard

In the top navigation bar you find “Dashboard”.

The Dashboard filters data on the user that is logged in with that user's access levels.

13.1 Tasks

1. Lists all tasks that are assigned to the user.

2. Show days remaining or days past due until the deadline on task.

3. All tasks are clickable.

4. The user can choose to set the task to Done or Hide.

5. Press the three (3) dots in the top right corner to choose Done or Hide.

13.2 Calendar

1. Calendar view of tasks.

2. Filled red circle indicates Case deadline.

3. Red circle indicates case Task deadline.

4. Hover over the function to see the case number and the link to the case/task. If clicking on the link, the specific case/task will open up.

13.3 Work area

In origo you can define your own work area by applying multiple filter combinations, such as country, case type, etc., on the case list.

1. The red card called Work area shows direct links to your defined “work areas”

2. Each user can set five (5) work areas per Case tab.

3. You can set your own work area by choosing and saving your filters in the Case list. For instance, “Spain customs”.

*Instructions on how to save filters can be found in later paragraphs.

13.4 Task tracking

The blue card helps you keep track of tasks that you have assigned to someone else, such as a colleague or partner.

The trask tracking:

1. Lists the tasks that have been assigned by you to someone else and the case where it belongs.

2. Shows the remaining days until due date and the days past since due date.

3. If clicking on a task, it will direct you to that task in the case.

13.5 From partner

This yellow card gives you an overview of cases submitted to the system by your external team or partners.

1. The big number indicates the amount of cases sent by external users waiting to be accepted.

2. If clicking on each item, the case will open so that you can preview the information and request more information or accept/reject the case.

13.6 Communication

The communication card updates you on information that has been added to a case where you are included in the Chat group.

1. Displays information that was added.

2. Shows the date when the information was added.

3. You can hide the message or leave the Chat group by using the buttons on the right side corner.

4. Press “Read more” to be able to see the full text.

5. Click on the link to be directed to the communication tab in that case.

13.7 Key Performance Indicator Report

In the bottom of the dashboard the system displays some KPIs:

  • Number of cases last 12 months

  • Number of cases last 30 days

  • Product seizure value / month

  • Product seizure quantity / month

  • World map - Historical seizure quantity

1. For an extended printable KPI report, press the “Get KPI report” button in the top right corner.

2. A new window will open up.

3. You can preview the report.

4. The report can be downloaded as PDF, Excel, Word and Image.

5. The user can choose to download the report in English, Chinese or Swedish.

14. Cases

In the top navigation bar you find “Cases”.

This is the page where you find all your cases.

There are 4 case tabs: Draft, To be accepted, In progress and Completed.

  • Draft

You can create a case and save it as a draft, if you would like to continue adding information later.

  • To be accepted

Case suggestions from external colleagues or partners that are sent from the external portal, and/or case suggestions from integrated partners such as React.

  • In progress

Here you find cases that have been accepted/imported from the “To be accepted” tab or cases directly added by internal users.

  • Completed

Cases that have been Closed, Archived or Rejected.

15. “To be accepted” tab

1. The tab works like an Excel where you can filter almost all columns by pressing the filter button in the desired column.

2. To clear a filter press the “Clear” button to the bottom right OR untick the red box to the bottom left.

3. You can search for keywords in the Search bar. Add at least 3 letters.

The search covers all visible fields in that tab.

4. You can select your own combination of filters and save them. Currently, a user can save up to five (5) filters per tab.

When a filter is activated the button is red , when not activated grey.

Your saved filters will show on top of the Case list as tags and on the red card “Work area” in Dashboard.

5. You can hide and show columns at your choice. Press the Column button next to the Search field. Tick or untick boxes in the dropdown list depending on what columns you would like to see. This setting will be active as long as you are working in this tab.

Note: if you wish to save your preferences permanently, you can do this in Personal settings and then Column settings.

15.1 Preview a case in “To be accepted” tab

All cases in the “To be accepted” tab are case suggestions until an internal user performs a preview of the case and made a choice to either Accept, Reject or Request more information from the partner that submitted this case.

1. Click on the case that you would like to preview.

2. The case will open up in a new window.

3. Review the information.

4. If your partner has added Party information such as Suspect data and the system finds matching data in the party Library (this suspect already exists in the database) this will be visible to the right. The matching data is highlighted in yellow color.

It is up to the user to determine if this is the same Party. If so, then press “Update party library”. The data will be merged and saved to the party Library.

5. Once the case has been reviewed and party matching is completed, the user can choose to either:

“Request more information” this will prompt your email account to open and you can email your partner what additional information you require.

“Back to case list” it will direct back to “To be accepted” tab.

“Reject” will prompt your email account to open and you can email your partner and define why you reject this case.

“Accept” the case will automatically change status to “In progress” and be moved to the “In progress” tab.

15.2 Accepting a case in “To be accepted” tab

1. If the user chooses “Accept” the case will automatically change its status to “In progress” and be moved to the “In progress” tab.

2. Choose a “Case owner” from the dropdown menu in the pop-up and confirm.

3. The user can also choose to add a task to this case by ticking the box. This will open the Task creation pop-up.

4. Fill in all mandatory fields for the Task and press “Save”

5. The assignee of the Task will receive an email with a link to that case/task.

15.3 Bulk import cases in “To be accepted” tab

It is possible to bulk import several cases at one go.

1.Tick the cases you would like to bulk import.

2. Press the dropdown menu.

3. Choose your bulk action.

4. Press “Apply”

5. A pop-up will appear and you need to choose a Case owner from the dropdown menu.

6. If you choose “Accept & create task”, “Accept & create milestone” or “Accept, change status & result” then follow the steps in the pop up and press “Apply”.

7. The case will now be moved to the “In progress” tab.

16. “In Progress” tab

“In Progress” tab contains the cases that have been accepted/imported from the “To be accepted” tab or cases directly added by internal users.

1. The tab works like an Excel where you can filter almost all columns by pressing the Filter button in the desired column.

2. To clear a filter press the “Clear” button to the bottom right OR untick the red box to the bottom left.

3. You can search for keywords in the Search bar. Add at least 3 letters. The search covers all visible fields in that tab.

4. You can select your own combination of filters and save them. Currently, a user can save up to five (5) filters per tab.

When a filter is activated the button is red , when not activated grey.

Your saved filters will show on top of the case list as tags and on the red card “Work area” in the dashboard.

5. You can hide and show columns at your choice. Press the Column button next to the Search field. Tick or untick boxes in the dropdown list depending on what columns you would like to see. This setting will be active as long as you are working in this tab.

Note: if you wish to save your preferences permanently, you can do this in Personal settings and then Column settings.

16.1 Access a case in the “In Progress” tab

1. Open the case that you would like to access by clicking on the case in the case list.

2. Use the Edit button to edit or add information to the General information.

3. Use the navigation bar, the tree (3) dots to the left, to go to the desired section in the case.

17. “Completed” tab

In the “Completed” tab you find cases that have been Closed, Archived or Rejected.

1. The tab works like an Excel where you can filter almost all columns by pressing the Filter button in the desired column.

2. To clear a filter press the “Clear button to the bottom right OR untick the red box to the bottom left.

3. You can search for keywords in the Search bar. Add at least 3 letters. The search covers all visible fields in that tab.

4. You can select your own combination of filters and save them. Currently, a user can save up to five (5) filters per tab.

When a filter is activated the button is red , when not activated grey.

Your saved filters will show on top of the case list as tags and on the red card “Work area” in the dashboard.

5. You can hide and show columns at your choice. Press the Column button next to the Search field. Tick or untick boxes in the dropdown list depending on what columns you would like to see. This setting will be active as long as you are working in this tab.

Note: if you wish to save your preferences permanently, you can do this in Personal settings and then Column settings.

17.1 Access a case in the “Completed” tab

1. Open the case that you would like to access by clicking on the case in the case list.

2. To be able to edit or add any information to this case you need to change the status to “In Progress” in General information. The case will now move to the “In Progress” tab.

3. Now you can use the Edit button to edit or add information to the General information.

4. Use the navigation bar, the three (3) dots, to the left to go to the right tab in the case.

5. Don’t forget to change the status back to “Closed” or “Archived” for the case to move to the “Completed” tab.

18. Personal Settings

You can define your own personal column settings under Personal settings. This is located in the top right corner of the site, if clicking in your username initials.

1. Press “Personal settings” and then go to “Column settings”.

2. The user can choose what columns should be visible for Draft, To be accepted, In Progress, Completed and Case Product.

3. Choose the Grid type in the dropdown menu.

5. Press the Column button.

6. Tick or untick boxes of columns that should be visible to the user.

7. You can also change the column width.

8. When done press “Save changes .

19. Help

You can contact DHA’s support team at any time by sending an email to support@dhanticounterfeit.com OR use the “Help” button in the far right bottom of the Cases page inside the system.

By pressing the "Help" button a pop-up will open. Fill in your name and email.

The more details you can send to us about your problem the faster we can help you.

Here are some examples:

  • What did you do when the problem occurred? Explain your actions as much as possible.

  • What tab or page were you in?

  • Case number?

  • What web browser are you using?

  • Screenshots? It is of great help to DHA’s support team if you take a screenshot when the problem occurs.

The message/email will be sent to our support portal Zendesk where a member from DHA’s support team will help you.

Thank you for your time!

The DHA Team